Unions have addressed to Vladimir Groisman with their initiative to develop combined actions to improve the well-being of our people ПечатьE-mail
26.04.2016 12:16

Unions proposed Vladimir Groisman, the prime Minister of Ukraine, to hold a meeting with heads and managers of branch regional union organizations to discuss and develop combined actions to improve social and economic situation in the country.

This address was approved during the meeting of Presidium Unions of Ukraine held yesterday.

«In conditions of a critical worsening of social and economic situation, mass street protests held in summer 2015, when the former government actually escaped and hid from the social dialogue, we took initiative and were at the head of advice and consultations with the Parliament groups regarding adoption of important bills for people directed to the renovation of social guarantees for employees, pensioners and kept conducting dialogue between the power and the society. We hope that the new Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine will implement its obligations skillfully and responsibly for the people», - said in the Address.

Unions Federation of Ukraine which unites more than 6 million union members expects from the government urgent steps which allow solving acute problems.

Technical Comments to the Draft Labor Code

«This is not the first Draft Labor Code during the independence of Ukraine. We hope that it will be supported by all parts of the social dialogue and adopted by Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine», - said Ludmila Denisova.
International Labor Organization and its coordinator in Ukraine mentioned that all comments had been the result of 4 month work of ILO experts to adjust the Labor Code in accordance with international standards.

The Unions stand their ground to revise the Labor Code in compliance with article 22 of the Constitution of Ukraine regarding non-admission of reduction of the existing employee rights and representative functions of Unions on the protection of labor, social and economic rights and interests should be fixed. Besides regulations of the Draft should be in compliance with international standards fixed in International Labor Organization and EC.
About 1600 proposals including comments of International Organization came up to the Draft labor Code of Ukraine. All proposals are being reviewed by the working group at the Committee on social policy, employment and pension issues. Only after that the concurred package will be put to the vote at the Parliament.

Collective Agreement

Meetings of the working group on Collective Agreement have been held in April. Natalia Khamaza, head of PRUP social protection department, made a report during the meeting of Unions Presidium regarding modifications and changes in the mining constitution reached by the Administration as well as still outstanding issues which should be solved.  

There is a mutual understanding that all items of Collective Agreement with social guarantees to disabled mine-workers and payments to mine-workers who died in collieries should be added with the same guarantees to mobilized soldiers of Anti-Terrorist Organization who were joined the Army from “DTEK PavlogradCoal” including their families.

Additional paragraph regarding (special check up of working cloths quality was included into Section “Occupational Safety” as a lot of complaints are presented for poor quality of clothes and PPE. The Logistics administration should submit the expertise conclusion on the quality conformance.

Modifications and changes will be made in items regarding domestic coal supply and compensations for the coal. Employees and other mine-workers who have the right for free coal living in private houses will be able to receive (at their discretion) 50% of coal and 50% as funds compensation.   

Unfortunately the Administration (the Owner) does not want to meet the PRUP working group’s desire concerning the increase in total annual value payment for gas and power so far.  PRUP union committees continue proving and providing arguments regarding the increase in annual amount compensation with binding to the domestic coal cost.  

But the Administration states that funds are not available to increase such values.

On the same reason we can’t negotiate the increase in salaries for employees of “DTEK PavlogradCoal”, additional payment for long-record of service and increase in payments for their over-time on the site.

The Working group along with the representatives of administration deleted an item from Collective Agreement regarding retainage of charges for utilities as mine-worker should receive their salaries, bring them home and after that decide how to pay utilities. 

Negotiations are held with difficulties regarding increase in quantity of the staff. Many section supervisors say openly that their brigades should be increase by additional 5 – 10 employees as a minimum.  Fill additional staff is required for reliable production process, for people PTO, sick leave, etc.  

     The discussions of new proposals for Collective Agreement are going on. Kindly request our members to submit your proposals to the mine unions.