15.10.2015 08:27

Dear Fellow-Citizens!


On 25 October 2015, local and regional elections are to take place on 25 October 2015. Because of that the further life of our town of Pavlograd and its citizens will much depend on how we vote. I believe everybody would like to live in more comfortable and modern town where the utilities quality improves, where new work places are established, where everyone can walk evenings. We are all dream of the comfortable Pavlograd which everyone could be proud and we were not a shame to transfer it to our kids and grandchildren.

I consider that municipal administration should get a special attention to problems of depressed town areas, breath new life into them, give townspeople a confidence in the future.

At the beginning of 2000, our Union of Mineworkers managed to maintain the integrity of the company which currently provides three towns of the West Donbas with life. I want to use my life experience as a people’s deputy of the regional council, and I see the key tasks how to solve Pavlograd problems and its areas which have not been paid much attention to lately.  

So we go to elections with our team from the Opposition block»: I the undersigned as the deputy candidate to the Regional council and eight candidates to the town council, whose electoral districts are in the district bound where I am a candidate. We will hold monthly meetings with you to solve urgent problems of Regional election district No.117.  

I kindly request you to support my program at the forthcoming elections directed to the stimulation of the national economy and social programs for Youth.  

The town and the district should live, develop and feel one big united family. 



Sergey Yunak, deputy candidate of Dnepropetrovsk Regional Council, election district No.117 (Pavlograd)


Sergey Ivanovich Yunak was born on 24 November 1959 in a city of Sumy.

In 1982, he graduated Dnepropetrovsk Construction Engineering Institute, “industrial and civil building construction” by profession, and received a professional skill “construction engineer”.

From 1982 to 1989, he worked at mining construction administration of “DneprMineBuilding” as a foreman and then as a supervisor and a supervisor foreman.  

From 1989 to 2000, he was a manager of organizing department and deputy chairman of Dnepropetrovsk territorial organization of Union of Mineworkers.  

He has had a position of the chairman of Dnepropetrovsk territorial organization of mineworkers of Ukraine and a member of the Union Federation of Ukraine since 2000. He is involved in the social work.

He has been a deputy of Dnepropetrovsk Regional Council since 2002.  


My program contains the following priority directions:


Along with unions of Dnepropetrovsk try to achieve as follows:

- population money incomes indexation;

- decrease of pensions level taxation;

- liberalization of pension for working pensioners;

- reduction of the gas price for population.


District area development:

- Repair intra residential roads and pavements.

- Develop public space areas, install children’s play and sport grounds, training sets.  

- Install lighting in the yards.  


Social sphere:

- Obtain funds to support low-income groups and unprotected sections of the population — participants and children of the war, veterans of the war in Afghanistan, large families, disabled people and pensioners.

- Reduce rates for the movement in municipal transportation.

- Respond promptly to the people addresses: problems diagnosis → determination how to solve them → provide support.

- Set quotas of working places for young specialists and support initiatives of young entrepreneurs.

- Introduce programs for popularization of healthy life-style among children and youth.

- Provide funding support for school activities and sport competitions.

- Rename streets only after concurrence with the majority of people on the municipal referendum.


Housing-and-municipal sector:

- Re-establish fair and reasonable utilities rates. Rates should be reduced in the light of not only economic but also social parameters.

- Provide free of charge legal accompany for organizations of community committees and supervise the services performance.

- Perform major and current repairs to entrances, lifts, roofs, inter-panel joints and sewage utility lines.

- Install the heat energy record devices for consumers and heating supply sources. Providemaintenanceonhotandcoldwaterrecorddevices.