32 mine-workers died at “Zasyadko’s” mine on 4 March 2015 ПечатьE-mail
06.03.2015 14:05

As a result of accident happened at “Zasyadko’s” mine in Donetsk on Wednesday 32 mine workers died.  That is specified data received from Territorial Management of State Occupational Safety Administration in Donetsk region as of 07:00 on Thursday.  The disaster Response efforts are still being performed so given quantity can be updated. 14 bodies were lifted to the surface seven of which were identified.

Zasyadko’s” mine accident: Donetsk Administration stated 33 died, and gunmen do not let rescuers come to the site.   

Methane explosion happened early in the morning when about 200 people were in the pit.  

The newspaper “Today” said that methane had blasted at 5:30 a.m. at the depth of 1200 m. There is no exact data how many mine-worker died and how many were injured since the mine is located at the “DNR” area which is controlled by gunmen. Donetsk Administration states that 33 died and 16 injured from the total 230 mine-workers who were in the pit during explosion. Currently 23 mine-workers are still underground. Vladimir Groisman, the Speaker of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, informed about 32 died from the total 207 miners who were underground.

According to the data submitted by Mr. Volynets, the Independent Union of Mine-workers of Ukraine, five mine-workers are at Donets burn center hospital, two – at traumatic surgery, nine – at a regular hospital. Mr. Fistal, a manager of the burn center, said that four mine-workers were in consciousness. "A condition of one of them is critical. He has nearly complete skin and inhalation burn. – The others also have inhalation burn. Their bronchial tubes and lungs were rinsed / washed and after that their state became stable a little. Three injured people have about 80% body surface burn, one – 25% burn. Today they will be operated on and they will be provided with intensive anti-shock treatment".

THEY DO NOT LET. According to M. Volynets the gunmen can’t manage with the consequences of accident independently. "Mine rescue service is not completed and equipped properly, material and technological basis ransacked, some specialist went to fight, 700 people moved to different areas/regions of Ukraine, – stated Volynets. – The nearest rescue team of Ukrainian mine rescuers is at a distance of 60 km from Donetsk in a town of Dimitrovo. They are ready to come at the first summons". Donetsk Administration Press Service confirmed that Ukrainian rescuers are in readiness and the President of Ukraine called gunmen to let them come. Mr. Arseniy Yatsenuk said that Ukraine had sent 6 rescue teams consisting of 10 people each but gunmen did not let them come to the accident place.

     So-called "vice-speaker of People’s council DNR" Denis Pushylin said that nobody had proposed the assistance and they had not applied to Ukraine for the help. If they really need this support they will turn to Russia or to “LuganskNR” – he said.