D E C I S I O N Central Committee of Unions of Coal-Mining Industry Employees of Ukraine ПечатьE-mail
20.02.2015 15:08

Unions of Coal-Mining Industry Employees of Ukraine

Central Committee





     Subject: Progress of employees demands implementing by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine



     Having heared information presented by V.I. Turmanov, the Chairman of Unions how the decisions adopted by the Unions Presidium of 15 January 2015 “On Unions actions in view of the funds absence for mining industry in the Budget of Ukraine for 2015”, and fulfilment of requirements claimed by the protest actions participants in Kiev on 28-29 January 2015 are implemented the Unions Plenary Session states that the performance of indicated requirements and demands is implemented using various Unions opportunities to make more active changes in the Law of Ukraine regarding the increase in mining enterprises funding and mine-workers social insurance. The Unions addressed those issues to the President, Prime Minister, Head of the Parliament, Ministers and departments.     

   Based on the Unions demands, the Prime Minister of Ukraine issued the commission No.3358/0/1-15 of 28 January 2015 and an Inter-departmental Commission on the settlement of problems in mining industry was set up. The Commission developed a Memorandum how to solve problems and identified appropriate efforts for aditional funding volums to the mining industry at the expense of the Budget including unpaid wages debts, renovation of the welfare, social guarantees for miners and pensioners, timely payment for power consumption and cola products.   

     But the subsequent Ministers and departments have not concurred yet the volumes of the state funding support proposed for making changes in the State Budget of Ukraine for 2015. The debts repayment schedule is unrealistic and non-justified. So this Inter-departmental Commission has not fulfilled its obligations in full and has not used all opportunities to prepare drafts for legislative decisions, has not proposed effective measures to solve mining problems. 

     In view of the above the Unions Plenary Session R E S O L V E S as follows: 

    1. Apply to P.A. Poroshenko, the President of Ukraine to support the Unions address to the Prime Minister dated 10 February 2015 that will result in irreversible economic and social consequences and threaten energy independence and security of Ukraine.

     2. Demand from the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine:

    2.1. On the basis of the address to the Prime Minister of 10 February 2015, set up a Working group identified by the Prime Minister’s direction N.3358/0/1-15 of 28 January 2015 under the leadership of V.M. Voshchevskiy, Vice-Prime Minister as a head of anti-crisis headquarters of Ukraine.

    2.2. The Working group shall develop and submit the Protocol to the cabinet of Ministers for review that allows solving problems at fuel-and power complex of Ukraine.

    2.3. Establish a currently-operating Coordination council to resolve crisis situations at the mining industry.

   2.4. Submit to Verkhovna Rada (the Parliament) changes to the State Budget of Ukraine for 2015 with the purpose of partial funding of mining industry at the expense of the State Budget.

   2.5. Review an issue associated with the resignation of V.V. Demchyshyn, the Minister of power and mining industry of Ukraine due to his dissociation from the work of Inter-departmental Commission. 

     3. Demand from the Ministry of power and mining industry of Ukraine:

     3.1. Ensure financial balance of mining companies this year.

   3.2. It is not acceptable to stop mining companies operations without complying with the current legislation and Mining industry Agreement provisions regarding the welfare and social security of dismissed employees.

     3.3. Take measures relatevely the Collective Agreement disputes.

     4. Demand from mining companies executives of all forms of property:

     4.1. Take immediate actions to repay wage debts.

     4.2. The Employers shall fulfil commitments in accordance with Mining Industry and Collective Agreements provisions.

   5. With the purpose of supporting for employees requirements concerning the budgetory funding and paying back the mining social securities picket Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (the Parliament) during consideration of the above issues. The picketing time shall be determined by the Unions.

     6. Heads of Unions of all levels shall perform as follows:

    6.1. Until 23 February 2015, bring to working people’s notice the information regarding demands introduced during the protest actions in Kiev on 28 – 29 January 2015.

     6.2. Perform organization arrangements and be ready to support mining employees demands during the Parliament picketing.

     6.3. Address to people deputies of Ukraine from different regions with proposal to support appropriate changes to the legislation.

     7. Submit the Resolution of the Unions Plenary Session to the President of Ukraine, Prime Minister, Minister of power and mining industry of Ukraine, Head of the All-Ukrainian industrial association of mining industry employers and the head of Unions of Ukraine.

     8. Control is imposed on the Unions Central Committee Presidium. 




V. Turmanov     Signed  Head of Unions