Unions Federation letter ПечатьE-mail
17.02.2015 15:14



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No.11/01-15/167 of 11 February 2015

To:      V.B. Groisman, Chairman of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine  

E.V. Sobolev, I.S. Lutsenko, V.Z. Parasyuk, Yu.V. Tymoshenko, O.V. Medunitsa, M.V. Gavryluk, Yu.R. Shukhevych – People’s deputies of Ukraine

Subject: “Immortalize the Dignity Revolution’s Memory 2013 – 2014”  

     Unions Federation of Ukraine and the staff of International Center of Culture and Art of Ukraine are addressing to you in view of intentions to set up theMuseumofMaidanon the basis of Unions Federation of Ukraine enterprise “International Center of Culture and Art of Ukraine”. On 6 February 2015 the Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) ofUkraineregistered the draft Law ofUkraine“On Immortalization of the Dignity Revolution’s Memory 2013 – 2014” (hereinafter as the draft Law). In accordance with the draft Law, article 3, the building of Unions Federation enterprise “International Center of Culture and Art of Ukraine” (hereinafter as ICCAU) will have to get returned to the state owned property and theMuseumofMaidanshould be established on its basis.

     As you are aware that in period social and political actions occurred in November 2013 through February 2014 during the Dignity Revolution Unions Federation did not stand away from those actions and union members took an active part and supported protesters. ICCAU along with the House of Unions was involved both as the resistance headquarters and press-center inKiev. About 4 000 people-protesters were staying in the building during tense and hot activities. Those buildings were a stronghold of democracy for thousands of those who stood upon their rights, showed their courage, patriotism in the struggle for constitutional regulations of democracy, rights and freedoms of our people during the Dignity Revolution. As you are aware that the building of Unions Federation fired at night of 19 February 2014 when the building was attacked by the enforcement authorities. Unions Federation has not received any financial support that is tens of UAH millions, to renovate the facility yet. In 2005, the Ukrainian authorities and officials initiated the set up of Ukrainian Institute of the National Memory with the purpose to immortalize a memory of victims of political repressions and starvation inUkraineon the basis of ICCAU.

     In accordance with the draft Law, article 3, the building of Unions Federation enterprise “International Center of Culture and Art of Ukraine” will have to be returned to the state owned property. In this connection we would like to note that all assets of Unions Federation of Ukraine enterprise “International Center of Culture and Art of Ukraine” belong as proprietary to the Ukrainian Unions Federation Council, Independent Unions and Unions Federation of Ukraine.      

     Unions Federation of Ukraine supports a common conception and idea to establish theMuseumofMaidan. The Unions are ready to cooperate shoulder to shoulder with the state and society to immortalize the Dignity Revolution’s memory and people who showed their civilian courage. Unions Federation of Ukraine proposes the possibility to place partial exposures of theMuseumofMaidanin rooms of the Unions House and ICCAU after its renovation in 2016 taking into consideration regulations of the Law of Ukraine “On Museums and museum affair”, article 11.

     We would like you to get your attention to the stability of the proprietary, equality of all management against the law, and the state commitment to protect the property especially social orientation that is provided for by the Constitution of Ukraine. Just because we consider to be inadmissible to save the unions and other creative teams from holding of cultural and art efforts at International Center of Culture and Art of Ukraine created 60 years ago.

     Besides, costs of the Museum to support ICCAU rooms of 17 000 m2 would be not less than 20 million UAH a year that currently is unreasonable expenses from the Budget of Ukraine. Therefore, in our opinion the most acceptable approach in this situation is to set up exposures of the Museum indifferent buildings which were used as strongholds during the EuroMaidan actions.

     Taking into account above mentioned, kindly request you to recognize the Unions Federation position regarding the readiness for cooperation with state and civil organizations of Maidan in terms of the set up of the Museum and herewith submit our proposals and comments to the draft Law of Ukraine “On Immortalization of the Dignity Revolution’s Memory 2013 – 2014”.


  1. 1.The draft Law of Ukraine revision “On Immortalization of the Dignity Revolution’s Memory 2013 – 2014”.


G.V. Osoviy               Signed             Chief of Unions Federation

O.V. Plevanuk          Signed             Acting Director of ICCAU




Draft Revision submitted by E.V.Sobolev

and other People’s deputies ofUkraineincluding

comments and proposals submitted by

Unions Federation ofUkraine


The Law of Ukraine “On Immortalization of the Dignity Revolution’s Memory 2013 – 2014”


     This Law is passed to observe a historic significance of Ukrainian people confrontation to corrupt officials and regime in November 2013 – February 2014 - the Dignity Revolution – give the tribute to the memory of those who died, realize a moral responsibility before the future younger generation, and maintain the memory of courage, dedication and heroism showed for the confirmation of the freedom and democracy worth.

     Article 1. Immortalize the Dignity Revolution’s Memory

     Respectful relation to the memory about the Revolution of dignity and its victims is a sacred duty of the state and citizens ofUkraine.

     Article 2. The Form of Immortalization of the Dignity Revolution’s Memory

     The main forms of immortalization of the Dignity Revolution’s memory are as follows:

     Celebrate the Day of Dignity and Freedom.

     Construction and preservation of monuments, installation of memorable signs, set up of museums and memorial complexes devoted to the memory of victims and participants of the Revolution of dignity.

     Facilitate an investigation of the Revolution history, reflection of the events, its victims and participants courage in the literature and arts, books and catalogues of memory, and in mass media.

     Article 3. Set up the Maidan Museum

     Establish the Maidan Museum to immortalize people’s memory who showed their civilian courage, performed active humanistic activities during the Revolution of dignity.

     Article 4. Responsibility for the non-fulfillment of the Law

     Identities who are guilty in the violation of the Law are responsible in accordance with the legislation ofUkraine.

     Article 5. Statutory provisions

     1.The Law shall come into effect as soon as it is published.

     2.The Cabinet of Ministers ofUkraine:

  • Set up the Maidan Museum inKiev and approve its status in compliance with the Law of Ukraine “On Museums and Museum affairs”.
  • Make provision for the funds required to set up and operation the Museum upon development of the draft law regarding changes in the Law of Ukraine and the State Budget of Ukraine in 2015.

Chairman of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine