Mine-workers of the “Heroes of the Space” set up mining production record for a month ПечатьE-mail
16.02.2015 09:50

Against the background of 14.4% decline of coal production in January 2015 in Ukraine, the “DTEK Heroes of the Space” mine-workers produced record high quantity of coal – 427 thousand MT grade «DG». The coal produced by the mine will be shipped to Ukrainian Thermal Power Plants and support power independence of the country.

The DTEK Colliery Group contains two mines the average coal production of which is from 150 to 390 thousand MT. This record of 427 thousand MT was reached by the well coordinated work of six production and tunneling sections teams and competent processes management. Mine-workers produce energetic coal from six coal-faces with average daily output about 2.3 thousand MT.

Possibility to raise coal production volume resulted in many-millioned investments made by DTEK. In 2014 DTEK Company invested 307.2 million UAH for the upgrades, qualitative repairs of equipment and mine workings at two mines “DTEK Heroes of the Space” and “Blagodatnaya”. “Heroes of the Space” mine succeeded in 50% production capacity increase due to the new lift installed at the mine in 2014. Coal output was raised from 1.5 to 2.7 million MT coal per year.

«Our mine-workers do not reduce the production rates in spite of combat operations and because of these operations new equipment has not been supplied for a long time including spare parts from plants of Lugansk and Donetsk regions. The safety margin is sufficient.

Mine-workers of DTEK company understand the situation complexity in the country and the energy sector, and they do as much as possible to provide Ukrainian Thermal Power Plants with coal and prevent them from stopping», – said Andrey Leonov, a mining manager of “DTEK Heroes of the Space”.

     Coal produced by “DTEK Heroes of the Space” is supplied to six Thermal Power Plants – Zuyevskaya, Zaporozhye, Ladyzhynskaya, Kurakhovskaya, Burshtynskaya, and Dobrotvorskaya. Stable high coal production ensures required coal stocks at these plants and reliable operations.