Interdepartmental Commission decided on their first-priority steps ПечатьE-mail
13.02.2015 11:31

On Monday, 2 February 2015, Interdepartmental Commission made a memorandum with the decision on the main first-priority steps to adjust issues of mining industry.


This memorandum was made with the participation of ministers from the Ministry of power and coal-mining industry, Ministry of Finance, Economy, Social Policy, Infrastructure, people’s deputies, heads of Donetsk, Lugansk, Volyn and L’vov Region administrations, representatives of industrial unions state-owned company “EnergoMarket”. The main purpose of this Memorandum was to identify basic first-priority steps on arrangement of mining industry issues and problems indicated in the Prime Minister’s power of attorney No.30 dated 28.01.2015.

Issue 1: Discharge the wage indebtedness for December 2014 to the employees of mining enterprises.

I stage – 50% payment until 10.02.2015

II stage - 100% payment until 20.02.2015

Responsible: Ministry of power and coal industry,



Issue 2:  Ensure entirely payment of power supply wholesale market to power generating companies of thermal plants for supplied energy as payments for the supplied coal products. Develop payment mechanism until 09.02.2015 to ensure 100% payment.

Responsible: National Committee of Power Adjustment,


Issue 3: Until 26.02.2015, establish a wholesale price in the market to the power taking into consideration a balanced cost of domestic mining products supplied to the thermal plants.  

Responsible: National Committee of Power Adjustment

Issue 4: Load the generating capacities of thermal plants which operate at the “gas-group” coal as much as possible. Transfer power thermal plants operating at gas to the “gas-group” coal. A Feasibility Study of the transfer shall be submitted during the scientific and technical meeting held at the Ministry of power and mining industry until 15.03.2015.

Responsible: Ministry of power and mining industry


Issue 5: Develop and submit until 15.02.2015 a reform program separately for each mine of state-owned property in the framework of the coal mining industry renovation taking into consideration social issues with subsequent information to the mines employees. Until 15.02.2015, develop and submit the draft changes in some Laws of Ukraine to the Cabinet of Ministers.

Responsible: Ministry of power and mining industry,

                                                 Ministry of Social Policy,

                                                 Mining unions,

                                                 Mining enterprises,

  Ministry of Finance and Economy

Issue 6:  As a back-up, Implement power import at the maximum loading of generating capacities of thermal plants of the Interconnected power system of Ukraine.

Responsible: Ministry of power and mining industry

Set up a coordinating council on a resolution of a crisis in the coal-mining industry lead by the Vice-Prime-Minister of Ukraine who is responsible for the fuel and power complex of Ukraine.

Responsible: Ministry of power and mining industry