04.12.2014 15:26

A presidium of Dnepropetrovsk territorial union organization of mine-workers of coal mining industry of Ukraine (PRUP) along with the Regional Association of Independent Union Organization of mine-workers of West Donbas (IUO) was held on 26 November 2014 at PJSC “DTEK PavlogradCoal” assembly hall.

There were items on the meeting agenda associated with rates of wage increase and the wage raise for the miner’s staff as a result of a high rise in inflation in Ukraine.  

Mr. A.V.Smirnov, JSC “DTEK Energo” director of coal production, addressed the meeting union delegates with information about existing difficult situation at the power market of Ukraine and its impact on DTEK companies operation in 2014 and about work opportunities in 2015.  


Mr. Sergey I. Yunak, the president of Dnepropetrovsk territorial union organization of mine-workers of coal mining industry of Ukraine, spoke at the meeting about insufficient level of wages for the employees of PJSC “DTEK PavlogradCoal” under conditions of increased inflation and ways of rates of wages increase commencing on 1 January 2015 but not from 1 April as it was proposed by DTEK management.    


The chairmen of local trade union committees of PRUP and IUO of West Donbas spoke about the low level of mine-workers wages.


In the course of the meeting a joint resolution of two trade unions was made as follows:

1. Demand from Mr. A.V.Smirnov, JSC “DTEK Energo” director of coal production, and Mr. S.A. Voronin, PJSC “DTEK PavlogradCoal” director, the following:

1.1. Increase the official rates of salary and wages for all employees of PJSC “DTEK PavlogradCoal” with simultaneous scheduled remuneration of labor Fund increase in the percent of inflation in Ukraine established at a point in increase from 01 January 2015.

1.2. Set up a working group along with trade unions to conduct negotiations with the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and carry on an audit by existing account receivables for the shipped coal, regarding the establishment of remuneration of labor Fund with the purpose of employees wage increase at PJSC “DTEK PavlogradCoal” in 2015.   

1.3. Submit information to PRUP and IUO about “DTEK” monetary funds of account receivables breakdown for the coal shipped by West Donbas mines.

1.4. Apply to Mr. A.V. Martovetsky and Mr. D.A. Yarosh, deputies of the Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) of Ukraine, for the legal aid in the solution of  issues associated with the return of account receivables to PJSC “DTEK PavlogradCoal” for the shipped coal, and make efforts to find funds to increase official rates of pay and wages for employees of PJSC “DTEK PavlogradCoal”  commencing on 01 January 2015, as well as initiate the increase in the minimum wage level, change the pricing policy relatively electric power to the side of its raising (making provision for the increase in prices for mining products), discharge the account receivables of DTEK companies by the debtors.  

1.5. Before 01 January 2015, return debts and liabilities to PRUP and IUO on deductions for cultural, sports and health-improving activities in accordance with article 250 of the Code of remuneration of Labor of Ukraine, article 44 of the Law of Ukraine “On Trade Unions…”, item 14.1.4 of the Industrial Decision and item 14.4 of the PJSC “DTEK PavlogradCoal” active Collective Agreement.

2. PRUP and IUO union organizations shall make all measures to stabilize continuous work of coal mines and affiliated companies of PJSC “DTEK PavlogradCoal” until the Government of Ukraine makes a decision on the above demands.


The document was signed and stamped by S.I. Yunak, the president of Dnepropetrovsk territorial union organization of mine-workers of coal mining industry of Ukraine and V.I. Grek, the chairman of Regional Association of Independent Union of mine-workers of Ukraine.