Plenary Session Decision ПечатьE-mail
28.10.2014 11:10

1. The Third Plenary Session of Dnepropetrovsk Territorial Union of Coal-Mining Industry of Ukraine notes that as a result of cute political and economic crisis resulted in the large-scale military actions in Donetsk and Lugansk regions, the mining industry of Ukraine has turned out in a catastrophic state.


Currently PJSC “DTEK PavlogradCoal” has become a stronghold of coal mining in the country due to the selfless work of Western Donbas mine workers and operated properly, kept a power complex and protected energy independence of Ukraine. 


In 2013 our Union sent proposals on the production activities of coal mines and subsidiaries under the program “Vertical” constructively solving relationship between JSC “DTEK” and PJSC “DTEK PavlogradCoal”, and as a result of a rational dialogue the quantity of employees has remained at the level of 26000 people. 


All structural reorganization issues which did not find the administration understanding were considered at the Plenary Session of the Territorial Union and as a result the issues were solved positively.


2. The monthly Territorial Union presidium meetings have raised issues associated with the wage increase. The wage has been increased per 8% since 01 April 2013. 


So, the official rates of underground employees increased from 15% to 27% in 2013. The official rates of surface employees increased from 15% to 40%.


Amount of basic rates payment increased, periodical appraisal of the employees was canceled.

Changes in the Regulations “On bonus payment” were made to the increase side under the Union proposals.

The list of additional efforts for “mechanized undermine working blasting” was extended for making payments, as well as rates of bonus increased as follows: for tunneling works – from 5% to 10%, the surface works – up to 7%. Long record of service sizes increased by 20% and currently it is 7,200.00 UAH for underground employees and 4,800.00 UAH for surface employees.


However it is necessary to increase the record of service size by 37% to bring it in accordance with the Industrial Agreement. 

According to calculated data given by the Territorial Union and existing inflation in Ukraine the level of wage is needed to increase by 10% on the average.

At the same time the ungrounded decisions made by the administration on the reduction of remuneration of labor costs take place, when in violation of the current legislation and unilaterally in July 2014 all long-service and additional payments and compensations guaranteed by the Collective Agreement were canceled. Since 01 August 2014, PJSC “DTEK PavlogradCoal” administration has resumed all payments by Territorial Union request.   


3. The administration has tried to leave practice of timely Union informing of planned structural changes in the labor and production management, in the work and rest schedules for the last two years. So as example, automated time labor records have been implemented at “Dneprovskaya” and “Heroes of the Space” coal mines administration. The administration has not conducted consultations with Unions, employees have not been acquainted sufficiently with principles and order how to maintain time sheet records. Various pilot projects are placed without Union participation. They change the work performance schedules, establish half-time weeks without any reasonable explanations regarding the need of the employee rights deterioration.     


The Union active position is where members of the union are united with the idea, discipline and responsibility. A single membership of mining unions has maintained at “Power Enterprise” (Roman V.Chernobrov, chairman), “PavlogradLoadingTrans” (Vladimir M.Pyanichuk, chairman), “CentralConcentratingMill “Pavlogradskaya” (Sergey S. Starikov, chairman), “Mechanical Repairs Plant” (Anatoliy N. Lobko, chairman).

The availability of some objective reasons for the increase in size of parallel unions at some mines is not denied. It should be noted that some of union committees at coal mines shall be behind in the issues of the membership motivation and improvement of the union image. Territorial union committee gets much attention to the disabled people problems and their support via the Collective Agreement by applying to the Cabinet of Ministers and the Parliament of Ukraine. 


Taking into account above stated, the 3rd Plenary Session of Dnepropetrovsk Territorial Union of Coal-Mining Industry of Ukraine HAS RESOLVED as follows:


1. The Report of Territorial union committee for the working period 2013 - 2014 has accepted for the record.


2. The Owner shall consider an issue associated with the Collective Agreement signing by his representative in the person of “DTEK ENERGO” Director General.


3. Hear managers of mines management, subsidiaries, PJSC “DTEK PavlogradCoal” Director General and coal production management of “DTEK ENERGO” on the wages status level, about salaries increase adjusted to the inflation index and the performance of Regulations “On labor wages and bonuses payment” at mines and subsidiaries union committee meetings every three months.


4. Demand from the Owner timely budget funding in view of minimum wage changes, increase in prices and inflation in Ukraine with the purpose of complete enforcement of production scope performance and continuous work of mines and subsidiaries of PJSC “DTEK PavlogradCoal” to maintain social and economic stability in Western Donbas.


5. Territorial union organization along with the Union Central Committee and Union Federation shall demand the Cabinet of Ministers and the Parliament to perform adjustments of labor incomes, pensions and welfares for inflation level commencing on 1 January 2015.


6. Reform the Unions structure with the purpose of our union conformity with the requirements and standards of International Unions and needs of the Union members.  


7. Hold the 15th Dnepropetrovsk Territorial Union of Coal-Mining Industry of Ukraine the reports and election conference on 12 February 2015.

The representative quota is 1 delegate from 150 union members. The primary organizations shall elect delegates and submit lists to the territorial committee by 12 January 2015.


8. In 2015, make the Collective Agreement between “DTEK Service” and the Union with the social benefits maintenance and extension for the union members.   


9. Take an active part in the creation of political movement of the Unions of Ukraine for more active and timely impact on the development of social and economic processes in the world concerning each union member.


10. Members of the Territorial Union Presidium shall be responsible for the supervision of the implementation of the Decision.



SERGEY I. YUNAK, President of Dnepropetrovsk Territorial Union of Coal-Mining Industry of Ukraine