3rd Plenary Session of Dnepropetrovsk Territorial Union of Coal-Mining Industry of Ukraine considered an issue “On the fulfillment by PJSC “DTEK PavlogradCoal” administration and all union organizations of “Integrated Measures on the achievement of safety regulations, occupational medicine and industrial environment, rise of existing labor protection level, prevention of injuries, occupation diseases, accidents and fires”. 
The Plenary Session heard a report of a union chief technical labor inspector S.A. Zhylko, a report of Yu.V. Krylov, manager of Pavlograd State mining and technical inspection, Yu.M. Tomak, deputy general director on safety, and other delegates reports, and Session shall state that established overstated industrial plans which were not supported with the clear labor management as well as available faults in the planning of main and auxiliary skilled employees size have resulted in the violation of safety regulations and deterioration of labor protection conditions on the whole. Employees striving for the performance of plan tasks and targets on the coal production and mine working inevitably results in the increase in the job injury rate and violation of legislation requirements on labor protection.
The Plenary Session has expressed its concern of the fact that in spite of all efforts and taking measures the job injury rate and injury with hard consequences at structural departments and branches of PJSC “DTEK PavlogradCoal” remains unchanged in practice, and its decline dynamics has become slower compared to previous years (we do not manage to assure the injury reduction and elimination especially with the lethal end and hard consequences).
One of the negative factor of this situation as it used to be before is insufficient employees size upon the performance of job tasks, induced professions integration, as well as acute employees shortage involved in equipment maintenance (and at other auxiliary jobs). Utilization practice of hand electric tools which are not designed for underground conditions in mines is still continuing. In violation of acting labor legislation a negative practice associated with the labor power intake to the training and skill test on labor protection on their days off applied to everyone. Implementation of new small-scale mechanization which excluded hard manual labor at auxiliary jobs has not performed. On the basis of above, the 3rd Plenary Session of Dnepropetrovsk Territorial Union of Coal-Mining Industry of Ukraine DECIDED as follows:
1. Reports of a union territorial and Pavlograd state technical inspection and labor protection services of PJSC “DTEK PavlogradCoal” were taken notice.
2. Demand from the coal production management of “DTEK-Energo” and PJSC “DTEK PavlogradCoal” as follows: - All actions and activities associated with the improvement of labor protection shall be performed in the framework of current legislation of Ukraine. - Complete production sections with employees and bring their size in compliance with technological certificates and calculations standard rates. - Stop training and skill test on labor protection practice during their days off. - Stop practice of professions integration upon equipment operations and maintenance. Professions integration efforts should be performed only at emergency and exceptional cases. - Implement undertaken commitments in 2009 in accordance with declared “Safety labor policy” on the whole.
3. Propose to the coalmanagement of “DTEK-Energo” and PJSC “DTEK PavlogradCoal” as follows: - Recommence practice on holding of constantly operating labor protection commission meetings at PJSC “DTEK PavlogradCoal”. Activate commission work in terms of information summary, activities coordination and control over the implementation of made decisions. - Develop actions on the decrease in a share of manual labor at production processes with the help of small-scale mechanizations and submit them to the Territorial union committee for review.
4. Obligate chairmen of union committees as follows: - Notify all employees of PJSC “DTEK PavlogradCoal” structural departments of the Plenary Session materials and decisions. - Conduct explanatory work at the staff along with union activists and inspectors on inadmissibility of emergency and negative cases at working places, as well as the employee right to refuse the work committed if this work can result in emergency and negative cases. - Activate work of a commission on labor protection under union committees and public inspectors of the union.
5. Union technical labor service/inspectorate shall develop and carry out special-purposes inspections at structural departments and subsidiariesPJSC “DTEK PavlogradCoal” where the growth of occupational injuries and accidents occurred.
6. Address a request to Mr. V.P.Dubil, the chairman of Dnepropetrovsk Regional of Trade Union Council and State Mining and Industrial Surveillance of Ukraine on the suitability of the re-subordination of Pavlograd technical inspection service to Dnepropetrovsk territorial management of the State Mining and Industrial Surveillance of Ukraine with the purpose of labor protection effective control assurance at structural departments and subsidiaries of PJSC “DTEK PavlogradCoal” and taking into account current situation in Donetsk 7. Control over the implementation of this Decision is assigned to Mr. S.A. Zhylko, the chief technical labor inspector of Dnepropetrovsk territorial union committee. |