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16.09.2014 14:00

Appeal of the Unions Federation of Ukraine to Mr. P.A. Poroshenko, the President of Ukraine on the prevention of population impoverishment and setting of social dialogue.

08 September 2014

Members of Unions Federation Presidium noted that the present Government had introduced the rigid economy measures twice which resulted to the impoverishment of a labor-man. Due to the rapid prices and rates growth for vital required services, the state social standards and guarantees have been frozen, in particular the minimum wages and cost of living. A sharp reduction of people ability to buy goods and pay for the services will result to the falling of goods production by domestic companies, and therefore to the decrease in job and increase in unemployment. It’s anticipated a loss of more than one million jobs by the end of 2014 and a labor market crisis will worsen by the end of 2015.          


For the purpose of negative consequences prevention for workers and citizen of Ukraine we consider it urgent to Ratify of the European Social Chapter (revised) entirely and implement the Association with European Union Agreement strictly complying with International Labor Organization conversions ratified by Ukraine. 


Authorized by

Presidium of Unions Federation of Ukraine

Grigoriy Osovoy

Chairman ofUnions Federation of Ukraine


“DTEK Pershotravenks Coal management” eliminated inflammation in a wall face. 

5 September 2014

An inflammation was revealed at the collecting entry of 162nd wall face of 300m horizon in the mine “Stepnaya” at 06:35 am on 4 September. A Contingency Plan was run in quickly and the headquarters was established. 175 miners who were underground were taken out to the surface. There were no injured miners. Ventilation system operates in normal mode. The wall face decontamination increased.   

Three units of the State militarized mine-rescue brigade along with members of additional mine team of the “DTEK Pershotravenks Coal management” were involved in the fire elimination. Coal production efforts were stopped in the mine. Reasons and circumstances of the accident will be established by the special Commission.

Dnepropetrovsk, 04 September 2014

“DTEK DneprOblEnergo” along with Dnepropetrovsk State Administration and Regional Council developed the mechanism of calculation quality enhancement for water supply companies and for consumed power.

The threat to remain without water arose because of the water flow passages and waterways debt for consumed power which exceeded 760 mln UAH ($9,730.000.00) as of 1 September 2014. 

”DTEK” initiated the creation of the branch councils on the development of occupational standards for mineworkers and power men.  

05 September 2014

​”DTEK” participates in the work of branch councils on the development of occupational standards and professional skills for the mine and power industries. The meeting of industrial companies’ managers, representatives of the Ministry of fuel and power, higher schools, unions of mining and power branches was held at the DTEK Academy on 4 September2014. Representatives of the Federation of Employers, Metallurgists and vocational training schools were invited to take part in that event. In 2013, ​”DTEK” developed three corporate occupational standards for the underground Mineworker, the Operator rider of boiler equipment and the Electrician on operation of distributing utilities, and it schedules to complete works on 87 worker standardization by the end of 2030.



MINEWORKERS OF COAL-MINING INDUSTRY OF UKRAINE (PRUP), union organizations of coalmines and auxiliary companies of PJSC “DTEK PavlogradCoal” provide their support and help for Ukrainian wounded solders who are being treated at Dnepropetrovsk Mechnikov Hospital and Pavlograd City Hospital No.4.

Military operations occurred at the East of Ukraine do not quiet down and hundreds of wounded men are delivered to Dnepropetrovsk region hospitals. Sergey Yunak, the president of PRUP spoke to the head doctor of Dnepropetrovsk Mechnikov Hospital regarding medicines required for wounded solders.

The needed medicines mainly antibiotics were handed over as a charitable assistance for the solders. The similar support is provided for the Pavlograd City Hospital No.4 from coalmine unions. As Marina Kostyukova stated, the head doctor of city hospital, 21 wounded military men are treated now at the hospital. 17 of them are with the wounds of different level of severity. Part of them are prepared to be operated on.  

Along with medicines the PRUP procured foods, means of personal hygiene (liquid soap, shaving devices, bath sponges).   

In addition the PRUP management made an initiative to transfer their daily wages to the Ukrainian wounded solders.             


On 1 September 2014, in accordance with a good tradition the PRUP presented the future mineworkers of Ternovka vocational school with registered grants who showed good results in theoretical and practical training in 2013 and 2014, and they are active participants in their union school life. During their vocational school training the students become members of Mineworkers Union Organization and they are under the care and support of their senior friends from the Ukrainian Mineworkers Union.

The grant holders of union organization became the following students: Maxim Nikulin, Karina Ovchrova, Alexander Grishin, Anatoliy Vlasenko, Vladimir Galkin, Alexander Luzan.