“DTEK Komsomolets Donbasa” mine shelling ПечатьE-mail
04.09.2014 11:18

On 17 August 2014, about 06:00 p.m. the “DTEK Komsomolets Donbasa” mine site was shelled and fired. As a result of shelling the mine was de-energized and the Contingency Plan was put into force.

There was an emergency response crew of seven mine-workers in the mine ensuring ventilation and water pump out during shelling. All miners were taken out of the mine safely. 


The coal has not produced at the mining community area since 01 August 2014. The methane concentration can increase in the mine without ventilation, which results in explosion.


The “DTEK Komsomolets Donbasa” mine is one of the biggest mines in Ukraine and it ensures 4 800 employments. The mine produces 4 mln MT of coal, i.e. 8% of all coal production in Ukraine. The mine produces Grade “T” coal (lean coal) which is used for power generation at Krivoi Rog and Pridneprovskaya Thermal Power Plants. These Plants supply power to the city of Dnepropetrovsk and entire Dnepropetrovsk region. If it stops producing coal then Power Plants can stop generating power.    


“DTEK Komsomolets Donbasa” mine resumed power supply and ventilation


On 18 August 2014 ​“Komsomolets Donbasa” mine resumed power supply and ventilation. The following statement was made by Mr. Dmitriy Sakharuk, DTEK anti-crisis headquarters manager TV Channel “112 Ukraine” on 19 August.  

«The power was cut off for a day. We did not have an opportunity of pumping water out, ventilating since as the mine is highly explosive due to the methane accumulation. An hour ago a power was fed and the mine is ventilated now.”