Agreement was achieved on the allowances return and additional payments ПечатьE-mail
04.09.2014 11:16

On 14 August 2014 the extended conference with the participation of PJSC “DTEK PavlogradCoal” Administration and PRUP representatives was held at the “DTEK PavlogradCoal” assembly hall. The conference was attended by Mr. Andrey Smirnov, “DTEK” director of coal production, Mr. Sergey Voronin, PJSC “DTEK PavlogradCoal” director, Mr. Sergey Yunak, PRUP President, and chairmen of primary union mine and branch organizations. The subject of the meeting was to review issues associated with the existing social and economic situation.

Information regarding “DTEK Ltd.” execution state of production mining tasks and excavations by the mines and branch offices staff according to the half-year results was provided during the meeting. They are as follows: “PavlogradCoal”, “RovenkyAnthracite”, “SverdlovAnthracite”, “DobropolyeCoal”, and mine “KomsomoletsDonbasa”.


They touched upon the issues associated with economic development and financing of “DTEK” structural departments during the second six-month period 2014. The owner party made a promise that they would not reduce the wage level and continue pay salaries to the PJSC “DTEK PavlogradCoal” employees in time twice a month. They also gave a promise to hold consultations with PRUP on further increase in wage quarterly provided the growth of coal production and performance of mine working.


At the PRUP’s request the DTEK management made a decision on cancellation of the letter dated 29 July 2014 regarding the resolution made by “Business-Block Coal” company on the termination of all kind of allowances and additional payments, bonuses and compensations established by effective Collective Agreement at PJSC “DTEK PavlogradCoal”.


On 14 August 2014, as a result of negotiations the “DTEK Ltd” and PJSC “DTEK PavlogradCoal” withdrew the letter of 29 July 2014 and restored all allowances and additional payments for the PJSC “DTEK PavlogradCoal” employees in accordance with the Labor Law and the Law of Ukraine “On Collective Agreements”.


Therefore, commencing on 01 August 2014, all commitments on social and economic guarantees, production relations established by the Collective Agreement, signed by both parties and registered by Pavlograd local authorities have continued to be valid.