On PRUP’s initiative the voucher price to sanatorium «Samara» was reduced! Печать
01.02.2016 15:04

On 20 January 2016 the newspaper “Voice of a mine-worker” published the decision of the Union presidium to reduce the voucher price to sanatorium «Samara» which was submitted to the “DTEK PavlogradCoal” and “DTEK Service” administration by Sergey Yunak, PRUP President, with the request to change the situation concerning mine-workers health improvement.

We’d like to remind that “DTEK Service”increased the voucher cost for 18 days and the total price was 10,530.00 UAH.  And it wasn’t agreed upon by the Union.  Besides, on “DTEK Service” decisionthe quantity of vouchers was reduced by 980 ea. for 2016 compared to 2015.  

In his report on 21 January 2016, during the joint meeting of Unions and administration, Sergey Yunak voiced the subject of incompetent decisions as for the pricing policy to the sanatorium vouchers.

It’s clear that this fact provoked the employees’ of “PavlogradCoal” indignation  so the PRUP presidium made a decision to issue vouchers for the first arrival at 2015 price – 6,408.00 UAH as opposed to the Independent Union which was not confused by the price of 10,530.00 UAH established for its members by “DTEK Service”. As a result of this action, mine-workers of the same colliery purchased vouchers on different prices.  

In what fallows the PRUP presidium assured the reduction of vouchers price to the sanatorium “Samara” during the negotiations process with administration. Currently the voucher costs 6,261.00 UAH. And the quantity of vouchers increased from 1678 ea. to 2987 ea.

«Our Union takes care of the sanatorium “Samara” on continuing basis but not occasionally, - said Sergey Yunak in his interview to the newspaper “Voice of a mine-worker”. – We bought furniture, medical equipment, TV sets, billiard tables, etc. Today we have considered “DTEK Service” actions wrong and unfair in respect of employees of “PavlogradCoal” and quickly interfered in this situation. We will not allow infringing upon mine-workers interests especially in such difficult social an economic situation. We have assured earlier that the voucher cost for employees of “PavlogradCoal” is 5% of the real price under the Collective Agreement. Andnobodycanceledthis. Today mine-workers are provided with the sufficient quantity of vouchers for 2016 to have a good rest in the sanatorium “Samara”.

Elena Tkach,

The newspaper editor