15.06.2015 09:54

09 June 2015

Worsening of social and economic

policy at PJSC “DTEK Pavlograd Coal”


Having reviewed information presented by Mr. A.V.Smirnov, Director of coal mining JSC “DTEK-ENERGO” and Mr. S.A.Voronin, Director general PJSC “DTEK Pavlograd Coal” and submitted to the Unions about impossibility of DTEK’s commitments to fullfil their Collective Agreement obligations in the second half a year 2015 due to untimely and incomplete refunding for the shipped coal that violates items 12.29, 12.30, 12.31, 12.32 of the Collective Agreement, the joint meeting of Unions has noted as follows:

  • Due to the jump in prices to all goods and services, foodstuff, materials and mining equipment in Ukraine, the scheduled logistics of collieries and affiliated “DTEK Pavlograd Coal” companies are under threat of work desruption, a coal production and mine working program along with funding of social, economic and cultural program is violated.
  • Sanatorium and spa treatment, families’ and childen’s health improvement are also under threat.
  • PJSC “DTEK” and “DTEK Pavlograd Coal” have guaranteed the complete fulfilment of their obligations and commitments under Collective Agreement both the performance of production program and timely wages payment and health improvement since the second qurter of 2014 and during 5 months of 2015 based on the Unions demands and proposals regarding nonadmission of social and economic situation deterioration at collieries.

“DTEK Pavlograd Coal” employees health improvement is the basic part of the production process needed for physical rehabilitation of mine-workers involved in main and auxiliary production facilities, occupational hazards and unsafe working conditions with the purpose to reduce  occupational and common diseases to restore capacity for work and conservation of working potential at West Donbass.

Thanks to farsighted Unions approach in the field of employees health improvement for 25 year (1990 – 2015), collieries and affiliated “DTEK Pavlograd Coal” companies have continuously worked, being ahead of scheduled tasks on the coal and mine workings production, increasing working efficiency year after year for the benefit of West Donbass, “DTEK” corporation and entire Ukraine.

On the basis of above stated the joint meeting of PRUP Presidium and Chairmen Council of Independent Unions of West Donbass RESOLVES as follows:

1.To: Mr. A.V.Smirnov, Director of coal mining JSC “DTEK-ENERGO”, Mr. S.A.Voronin, Director general PJSC “DTEK Pavlograd Coal”, Mrs. Davydova N.A., Director of JSC “DTEK-Service” –

         Forbid to implement designs associated with any costs at “DTEK Pavlograd Coal”.

         Stop the employees fransfer to Aousourcing or other departments which are not “DTEK  Pavlograd Coal” structure.

         Implement all paragraphs of Collective Agreement obligations in accordance with current legislation.

         Do not take decisions in unilateral order which deteriorate the Collective agreemnt.

         Take all needed measures on the efforts to find funds required for the performance of the established program on employees and their families health improvement.

     2.In case of disregard of the Resolution, the Unions reserve the right to protect the labor law and social and economic rights“DTEK Pavlograd Coal” employees with the object of keeping a stable situation at West Donbas.

     3.Control over the implementation of this Resolution should be imposed on members of the PRUP and Chairmen Council of Independent Unions.




S.I. Yunak                                                       V.I. Grek

PRUP President                       Regional Independent Unions of West  Donbas

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         Signed                                         Signed