New wall faces of DTEK Colliery Group “Ternovskaya” will ensure more than 1 mln MT of coal production | ![]() |
02.06.2015 09:53 |
29 May 2015 New mining faces were commissioned at colliery “DTEK Samarskaya” – Colliery Group “Ternovskaya”. Their reserves total about 1 mln MT qualitative low ashy coal of DG gas grade and will be able to assure employment for 10 months period. This type of coal is consumed by a half of Ukrainian thermal power plants. DTEK invested more than $2,000,000.00 to develop these new mining faces. Mining faces were accepted for operations by the State Commission with a high grade that meant to be in full compliance with technical and operational regulations and rules of industrial safety. The anticipated coal production will be 2 500 MT a day that is sufficiently more than an average value of face loading at Colliery Group - 2 000 MT. Mining face No.180 will be developed by production brigade No.5 lead by the Hero of Ukraine Sergey Lazurenko. The mining face length is 250 m. In order to increase productivity of the new face Colliery Group fixed the following equipment by its own means: a scraping conveyer СП-251, combine КА-200, sections of mechanical supports КД-80. Face No.4203 development will be performed by production brigade No.6 lead by Sergey Somchenko. The uniqueness of the face is that it is the first face which will be developed at a new coal bed С4. Earlier mine-worker used to work at coal bed С5 which was completed. Face No.4203 length is 180 m. “Pershotravenskiy repair and engineering plant” fixed 132 combine sections КД-80, conveyer СП-251.14 and scraping pickup device СП-251.15. «Currently a difficult situation is not only in the country but also at the company. Funds for the company development have been reduced (limited) but our Colliery Group has preserved stability due to the fact that DTEK has invested fund into development and upgrade of production facilities for more than 10 years. Talented and literate specialists work at the company who are capable of repairing equipment by their own means. Ukraine needs new mining faces and our mine-workers understand that each new face is a contribution into future winter heating season. Therefore, they work hard in spite of all complications. Mining Industry and private business should be developed as this business invests and distributes correctly investments and can bring Mining Industry to a new level” , - said Mr. Paul Privalov, Deputy Director “DTEK Samarskaya” – Colliery Group “Ternovskaya”. Reference: DTEK– is a strategic holding company effecting management for three operational sub-holdings with assets at traditional power engineering, at alternative power engineering, at hydrocarbon production. It is a part of financial-production group «System Capital Management» (SCM), Mr. Rinat Akhmetov is a share holder. Mr. Maxim Timchenko is a DTEK Director General. More than 127 000 people work at DTEK. 10 thermal power plants and 2 TPPs of a general capacity 18.6 GW are in the assets of holdings at traditional power engineering. 5 companies are power distributors which operate more than 5.1 mln consumers – individuals and legal entities. 31 mines and 13 concentrating plant. 1 VES is an alternative power with the capacity of 200 MWС. Hydrocarbon production is performed at two coal deposits with proved gas reserves of 20 billion m3. DTEK supplied 47.8 billion kWh power to generating companies in 2014 from which 651 mln kWh was provided by VES, power supply through the networks – 53.8 billion kWh, coal production – 37.1 mln MT, natural gas production - 752 mln m3. Additional information at: |