Mine-workers of Colliery «Dneprovskaya» put into operation a fresh coal-face. | ![]() |
28.04.2015 15:44 |
Maintenance on mining equipment was performed independently State Commission accepted 832nd coal-face with a high Grade at Dneprovskaya mine. Coal-face reserves estimate is 186 000 MT. In conditions when the total coal production volume reduced by 2.2 times in Ukraine (as per the first quarter), DTEK PavlogradCoal increases coal production (+4% in the first quarter) supplying gas coal grade to the Thermal Power Plants.
A new coal-face 152 m length is sited at the horizon of 230 m underground, 620 m mining excavation column. The face will be developed for a few months by brigade No.6 lead by the foreman Dmitriy Bereza and mechanical engineer Yeugeniy Shelipov. The average daily losding to the face is more than 1500 MT and at the same time this thousand MT mode was reached after three days of coal-face acceptance by thee Working Commission. New equipment for the face was not purchased: mining combine UKD 200/250, set KD-80 and conveyer SP 251 were maintained and repaired by the company. The main belt conveyor 1 km length was built for the continuous coal shipment from this coal-face and from section No.2. As per technical department specialists evaluation the mining and geological conditions in the face are complicated because of minor excavation capacity – less than 1m, and 0.7m coal thing beds. It is important working at this coal-face to maintain minimum excavation capacity since the coal quality depends upon this factor. “This is comparatively small coal-face. We commissioned it in order to provide mine-workers with work prior to develop and prepare more large-scale faces. – said Deputy Director “DTEK Dneprovskaya” colliery Vitaliy Bakhmatuk. – In spite of the fact that due to the low prices for coal the investments have also reduced sufficiently to the collieries lately but we could prepare the face with the Excellent Grade. Currently the coal price does not cover the prime cost of coal production. But each of produced ton of coal is important for Ukraine because of situation occurred at the energy market, so mine-workers work hard. Their commitments - to supply coal to Thermal Power Plants of Ukraine – have been fulfilled completely. We hope very much that those disturbances among mine-workers and their demands regarding fair and reasonable price for the coal will be heard and satisfied by the state”. In 2014 DTEK allocated $16.120 mln for the support and development of production facilities of “DTEK Dneprovskaya Colliery management”. 7 coal-faces were commissioned. The company is planning to put into operation 9 new faces. Reference: DTEK – a strategic holding exercising three sub-holdings administration with assets at the energy market and hydrocarbon production. DTEK is a part of financial and production group of “System Capital Management” with the main shareholder Mr. Renat Akhmetov. Mr. Maksim Tymchenko is the General Director. 127 000 people work at DTEK. The assets bag contains 10 Power Stations and 2 Thermal Power Plants with the total power capacity of 18.6 ГВт; 5 companies are the power distributors providing services for more than 5.1 mln customers – individuals and legal entities; 31 collieries and 13 coal-concentrating plants. There are two hydrocarbon fields where 20 bln m3 of natural gas is produced. Additional information: www.dtek.com |