Mining Unions Met with Mr. Vladimir Groisman, the Chairman of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Comprehension was found Печать
06.03.2015 14:05

On 03 March 2015, the representatives of Mining Industry Unions met with Mr. Vladimir Groisman, the Speaker of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. The meeting was attended with Mr. Victor Tumanov, the Chairman of Unions,  Regional Union Leaders – Mr. Oleg Turchin, the Chairman of L’vov Territorial Organization, Mr. Sergey Yunak, the Chairman of Dnepropetrovsk Territorial Organization, Mr. Vasiliy Shcherban,  the Chairman of Dzerzhynsk Territorial Organization, Mr. Peter Dreval, the Chairman of Dobropolye Territorial Organization, as well as Mr. George Novosad-Krysuk, Deputy Chairman of mine No.10 “Novovolyskaya”.

The meeting was attended with people’s deputies representing mining regions of the country and Mr. Yuriy Zukov, the First Deputy Minster of Power and Mining industry of Ukraine.  

Speaking at the meeting, Victor Tumanov noted that currently mining industry was in a critical situation and the main reason of this – the lack of budgetary funding. «Coalition Agreement is violated since the agreement made provision for the phased reduction of the state support for 5 years. But the State Budget did not appropriate any funds for mining industry this year», - said the Chairman of Ukraine Mining Unions.

Work in the condition of complete fail to get funded resulted in problems associated with wages payment at the state owned mines. More than 50 000 mine-workers have not received their salaries for 2.5 months. There are difficulties in coal mining non-state owned companies.

«To improve the situation it’s necessary to make changes in the state budget providing for charges to the coal mining industry. Coal Mining Unions of Ukraine along with people’s deputies is ready to prepare the subsequent bill. A soon as it is passed it will give an opportunity for mines to work stably and for mine-workers to get wages», - stated Victor Turmanov.

Crisis phenomena are present now not only at the mining industry but at the entire fuel-energetic complex, therefore the special taking operational measures to save the industry are required. To work out the system approach to solve all problems Victor Turmanov proposed to conduct committee hearings. «During these hearings the Resolution could be issued which would contain stabilization efforts at fuel-energetic complex, - he said. – The document should become the basis for the Government in the appropriate decision-making at this sphere of activity».

During the meeting with Mr. Vladimir Groisman, the Speaker of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Chairmen of Territorial Union Organozations told about problems of mining companies in Ukraine. People’s deputies also exchanged opinions regarding ways out of mining crisis.

«A comprehension among meeting participants was found. The Speaker of Parliament treated with attention to mine-workers’ issues. At the end of the meeting he voiced a number of key actions directed at the stabilization of mines operation», - Victor Turmanov said.

The first and the basic goal is wage debts payment. Mr. Vladimir Groisman emphasized an initiative on the bill development directed at the mining industry funds allocation.

     The Chairman of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine noted that he would inform Mr. Peter Poroshenko, the President of Ukraine about issues and proposals discussed during this meeting.