A D D R E S S to Mr. A.V. Martovitsky and D.A. Yarosh Печать
04.02.2015 10:36

Union of Coal-Mining Industry Employees of Ukraine

Dnepropetrovsk Territorial Union Organization of Mine-Workers



to Mr. A.V. Martovitsky and D.A. Yarosh, people’s deputies of Ukraine from Dnepropetrovsk Teritorial Union Organization of mining industry of Ukraine 


DearMr. Martovitsky!

Dear Mr. Yarosh!


            On the basis of Resolution of the Union Central Committee Presidium of mining industry of Ukraine dated 15.01.2015 with the participation of mines representatives the following requirements of Dnepropetrovsk territorial union organization were included into this resolution:


it.2. Make changes into other legislative acts with the purpose of social securities readjustment for employees and pensioners of the industry which existed as of 01.12.2014 as well as take off moratorium to the social standards and ensure wages indexation to the rate of inflation.


it.3. Ensure timely payment to mining emterprises at the Power Market and discharge of debts for consumed mining products and power, the decision was made on 28 January 2015 to star an indefinite protest action of mining industry empoyees.


            Delegation of Territorial Union of mine-workers will participate in thi action. Therefore we are applying to you as the Western Donbas deputies to support Union’s requirements and demands and take personal participation in this protest action.



S.I. Yunak


The President of Dnepropetrovsk Territorial

Union Organization of coal-mining industry of Ukraine