29.01.2015 09:58 |
On 28 January 2015, mine-workers from different parts of Ukraine came to Kiev to picket a building of the Cabinet of Ministers with the request to make provision in the state budget 2015 funds to support mining enterprises. As we informed, the delegation of Western Donbas Dnepropetrovsk Territorial Union Organization of coal-mining industry of Ukraine (PRUP) took an active part in the protest action. Miners’ discontent was provoked that for the first time of Ukraine independency the State Budget did not make provision funds for miners wage, labor protection, mining development and capital construction. At the same time the State Budget provided for funds to closeout mining enterprises. "This is a repression against mining industry and a blow to its employees and their families", - the Unions pres-release says which is distributed among the action participants. The number of protest action participants is about one thousand people. Mine-workers bang by their hardhats to a concrete fence and call «Yatsenuk, come out!». The protest rally participants had Union flags and banners with the following slogans: "Mine-workers pension tax – shame on the Government", "Our coal – to Power Plants of Western region", "the State without coal – people without light". Mine-workers demand to make changes in the budget 2015 providing for state support costs for mining companies, capital construction and upgrading, as well as labor protection. On Dnepropetrovsk Territorial Union Organization’s PRUP initiative the action participants are demanding as follows: 1. Make changes in Laws with the purpose of social securities resumption for mining employees and pensioners which were in force as of 1 December 2014, and lift a moratorium on social standards and ensuring of wage adjustment for inflation. 2. Ensure timely payment at the power market and repayment of debts for consumed mining products and power for coal-mining industry of all property forms. |