Mine-workers of Western Donbass participated in the Durham Miners Gala in Great Britain | ![]() |
06.08.2014 13:59 |
The delegation of DNIEPROPETROVSK TERRITORIAL MINEWORKERS UNION OF COAL-MINING INDUSTRY OF UKRAINE (PRUP) visited the UK in the period 10 through 21 July 2014 by the invitation of the National Union of Mine-Worker of the UK. The schedule of the Ukrainian delegation staying included the tour to the Yorkshire at the North-West of England, meeting with Durham mine-workers, participation in the Durham Miners Gala, participation in the joint meeting of the Executive Committee of NUM and PRUP at the South Yorkshire in Barnsley. PRUP provided its Presentation, some reports regarding restructuring of coal-mining industry in Ukraine and occupational health and safety at coal mines were made. During the meeting with the NUM Lawyer the parties discussed issues associated with the protection of miner rights, welfare, social and legal support. During the meeting with the representatives of coal-mine «Kellingley» the parties discussed issues associated with the control package of shares procurement, employees return on investments, redundancy payments and how to avoid of the mine closure. Ukrainian delegation visited the National Coal-Mining Museum of the UK and was invited to the wide cooperation by the museum management. The key attendances of those technical meetings were Nicolas Garson Wilson, President of the UK and Scotland NUM, Christian James Ronald Kitchen, NUM Chairman, Paul Hardman, Secretary of NUM, Wayne Thomas, Chairman of NUM South Wales, Pete Smith, Chairman of Executive Committee of NUM.
Durham Miners Gala (similar Mine-worker Day) The delegation of DNIEPROPETROVSK TERRITORIAL MINEWORKERS UNION OF COAL-MINING INDUSTRY OF UKRAINE visited Durham coal field in honor of their colleagues holiday. Traditionally Durham Miners Gala is held on the second Saturday of July. On that day from early morning, along the narrow lanes and byways of Durham’s rolling countryside the miners march proudly behind colourful banners, expertly painted, and orchestras of the UK mining communities. The Miners Gala was timed to the 30th anniversary of big strikes and the great struggle of 1983-1984 due to the closure of collieries. The basic Miners Gala place is the Durham City square Market Place where all marches meet. The Union leaders, local authorities along with Sergey Yunak, the chairman of PRUP were standing on the city hotel balcony and greeting the marchers. The beautiful atmosphere of theatrical performance looked very much like Fiesta. Because of the large quantity of the march participants (more than 150 000 people) and often stops the entire demonstration takes about six hours to march along the streets and the balcony of the County Hotel. At the end of the Reis Corse street the marchers fixed their banners to fences creating a colorful carpet of the History of Working People.
Statement of Sergey Yunak at Durham Miners Gala At 13:00 on the special platform, the Union Yorkshire Chairman opened the Gala Meeting where Sergey Yunak appealed to the participants of the Miners Gala as follows: «Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, Colleagues and Friends Many thanks to the National Union of Mineworkers of the UK for the invitation to participate in the Miners Gala. The Labour Movement of Durham Miners led by William Crawford, an experienced leader of the Durham Miners Association, was the beginning of the workers struggle for their rights: for the reduction in the hours of the working day, implementation of the Trades Union Act and the National Union of Mineworkers successfully utilized that experience to stand up for the rights and interests of workers. This is a history which you revere and celebrate and we respect your achievements. The coalfield of Western Donbas is 50 years old and the Union of Mineworkers is 22 years old organising in a free and independent Ukraine. Your example is important for us to recognise your successes and learn from your defeats in the struggle with employers for proper wages and a safe place of work, and at the current time it is also important for us to stand up for the territorial integrity and the independence of our country, Ukraine. In 2013 we had three fatalities underground at the Pershotravensk - First of May Mine, at the Dniprovskiy Mine and the Heroes of Space Mine. In 2014… we have had no fatal accidents at all. But events on the 14th June 2014 led to the death of four of our miners, but not at the coalface. They were killed by the shooting down of a Ukrainian Military Aircraft. They had been professional miners, Good people, who died fulfilling their civic duties and commitments to Ukraine. We are united with the desire to live and work and be happy with our children but we must also fulfil our civic engagement. It is the Unity and solidarity of the mine workers labour movement throughout the world, that is the guaranteed of a successful struggle of working people for their interests. We would like to wish peace, wellbeing and prosperity to all participants of Durham Miners Gala». During the Gala PRUP delegation held a meeting with miners of Redhill where the parties discussed organizational issues, Unions significance, miners welfare and their families social protection, they also got acquainted with the history of mining industry and union movement origination at the North-East of England, with Tommy Herbern biography who used to raise the social protection issues for the first time, including the reduction of the working day, elimination of children labor and increase in miners wages. These initiatives relate to 1830-1834 when the great strikes happened in the UK. On 13 July the delegation visited Beamish Museum which reflects the history of the first mining communities residence that were located close to the cola mines where the families had to work.
40% of power is generated by the burnt coal in the UK On 14July the PRUP delegation took part at the round table discussions which was held at the NUM headquarter office in Barnsley. Mr. Kenneth Hault, the NUM lawyer who has protected the Union’s rights for 30 years, spoke at the meeting. The parties changed their opinions on that subject. The same day the NUM management held a technical meeting with the «UK Coal» management. The results and summaries of that meeting were discussed the next day during the joint meeting of the NUM Executive Committee and PRUP. The key issue of their negotiations with the «UK Coal» was associated with closing of three active mines by the UK Government. The parties also discussed the fact that about 40% of power was produced by the burnt coal in the UK that speaks of the necessity to have its viable coal-mining industry.
During the meeting the parties reviewed and discussed occupational health and safety issues, welfare payments at the expenses of charitable funds as well as pension provision. During the round table talks the parties stood against the Crimea annexation by Russia and its interference in internal affairs of Ukraine.
PRUP and Western Donbas Presentation Sergey Yunak, the Chairman of Dnepropetrovsk PRUP, presented PRUP Organization and Western Donbas coal field. He also reported with the slides demonstration on the restructuring of coal-mining industry of Ukraine. Vasiliy Yavorskiy, the Union technical inspector, reported on the occupational health and safety an the coal mines in Western Donbas.
During discussions the Ukrainian part shared experience of the union mine workers movement in Dnepropetrovsk region. Sergey Yunak paid attention to the part of mining union in the decision of social issues and mutual relations between PRUP and DTEK management. He emphasized that DTEK management continued to support and execute the Collective Agreement.
Within the framework of the conference the Ukrainian delegation actively discussd issues associated with perspective market reforms in Ukraine, its European integration and the events occurred in the East of the country.
The purchase of controlling block of shares – the mine saving from the closure On behalf of the UK NUM Nicolas Wilson and Chris Kitchen spoke about the UK mining industry condition and of the imported coal from Russia, Poland, South Africa and Australia. During discussions both parties shared opinions about advantages and disadvantages of the union movement, about the part of unions in support of living standards for pensioners and their families.
On 16 July the meeting was held with the representatives of «Killengley» mine which was included in the list of mines for closure. They represented their program how to save the mine and discussed an issue regarding the purchase of controlling block of shares that could be a step for mine saving.
National Museum of Mining Industry of the UK is ready to provide the financial support for mine museums On 17 July the PRUP delegation visited the National Museum of Mining Industry of the UK. During the tour the meeting was held with the museum management. The museum director invited Ukrainian delegation to the wide cooperation, submitted the questionnaire for review and comments, and expressed the readiness to provide financial support for mine museums. Dnepropetrovsk PRUP delegation completed its working program to visit the UK in full.
Oleg Petrivnyk, Specialist of Dnepropetrovsk PRUP |